A diverse social investment market

We are striving to build a social investment market that works better for everyone, and address the barriers that create inequity in the sector.

Engagement and Market Building

Our mission is to grow investment in social impact by engaging with and supporting the widest and most diverse range of investors, entrepreneurs and other partners. Equity and inclusion is central both to our impact and to the way we work so we are committed to identifying and removing barriers to any groups from accessing or benefitting from investment capital.

Ishita ten years

Actions we are taking

  • guidelines icon

    Inclusive content and events

    We will update our brand guidelines to ensure diversity is reflected across our channels, content and events, ensuring we respect the lived experience of racialised people and those experiencing marginalisation.

  • Broadcast icon

    Best practice

    We will share best practice by broadcasting successful examples of equity, diversity and inclusion across our investment portfolio and beyond. We recognise that we are not experts and seek to learn from others.

  • Inclusive icon

    Working with partners

    We are actively collaborating with partners across the sector to learn about the experiences of others, build relationships and better serve people experiencing marginalisation.

  • Reclaiming the future

    Reforming social investment for the next decade.

    The Adebowale commission report outlines some of the challenges and reccommendations for change.

    Learn more
  • Rebalancing the books

    Our collaborative series with Pioneers Post, Rebalancing the books, aims to shed light on the social investment sector's diversity problem and to encourage us to work together to tackle it.

    Learn more