Responsible Business Principles

As part of our agreement with our shareholders, Better Society Capital has committed to the Responsible Business Principles, a set of core principles that we aim to live up to in everything we do. These were updated in July 2021 to reflect the evolving expectations society has of businesses. These are:

  • General

    Avoid harm – To minimise adverse and negative impacts on target beneficiaries and communities, the environment, employees, and all stakeholders.

    Business integrity – To exhibit honesty, integrity, fairness, diligence and respect in all business dealings and with all stakeholders and communities, including respecting commercial and personal confidentiality.

    Proportionate implementation – To identify key ESG risks and, as applicable, be proportionately compliant based on the materiality of the ESG risks in line with the Responsible Business Principles and best practice within the target industry.

  • Environment

    Protect the environment – To promote and practice the efficient use of natural resources and protect the environment wherever possible.

    Combat climate change – To promote and practice activities which minimise or seek to reverse climate change.

  • Social

    Targeted social impact – To intentionally create a positive and measurable social impact for target beneficiaries and communities.

    People centred approach – To promote and provide high quality working practices, conditions, and labour rights, and respect the dignity and wellbeing of all employees, contractors, and stakeholders.

    Inclusive practices – To promote equality, diversity and inclusion practices through governance and decision making, employment, organisational culture and values, and operational delivery.

  • Governance

    Good Governance – To strive for international best practice corporate governance.

Our ESG approach

The Responsible Business Principles also influence the way we invest. Find out more about our ESG approach.