Fiona Ellis
Board MemberAbout Fiona
Fiona Ellis was an independent consultant to the charity sector and has lectured widely on aspects of philanthropy. Fiona was, until March 2009, the Founding Director of the Northern Rock Foundation for 11 years. Prior to that she worked with a range of philanthropic trusts, including as Assistant Director (Arts) for Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Fiona has served as Chair of the BBC Appeals Advisory Committee; Member of Durham University Council and of its Ethics Committee; Chair of St Cuthbert’s Society; and Trust Manager of the Millfield House Foundation. Her previous posts have also included: Chair of NCVO’s Funding Commission; Vice Chair of the Nationwide Foundation; Vice Chair of Futurebuilders; Board Member of NAVCA; Comic Relief’s UK Grants Committee; and as a member of several theatre boards.
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee.