Stan Chan
Board MemberAbout Stan
Stan Chan qualified as a chartered accountant with Coopers & Lybrand before working in senior finance leadership roles in the industry and the merchant bank Close Brothers. Since leaving the full-time executive world, he has worked as a freelance consultant on strategic and operational finance assignments for commercial and not-for-profit clients. Currently, Stan is on the board of the six CBF Church of England investment funds, overseeing c.£3bn of investments for the wider Church of England, including parishes, cathedrals, dioceses, schools and related charities. He represents the funds on the Church’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group.
Stan is also on the board and audit and finance committees of Oasis Community Learning, a multi-academy trust with 52 schools and serving over 30,000 pupils and their families. Past non-executive roles include being a director of Power to Change, a Lottery-endowed trust promoting community businesses through grant-making and market development; he chaired the audit committee at Power to Change.