Current vacancies


We regularly update this page with current vacancies so if you do not see anything at this time, please do check again.

We are always keen to hear from people from a diverse range of backgrounds who are interested in joining the Better Society Capital team. Register your interest to work with us.

Current vacancies

  • Investment Associate

    We have a unique opportunity to accelerate your career in Social Impact Investment through Better Society Capital’s Investment Associate Development Programme. You will develop your impact investment management skills, knowledge of social issues and your strategic and design thinking in order to help solve some of the UK’s most entrenched social issues.

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  • Investment Manager

    This is an exciting time to join BSC as we refresh our strategy for 2025-30, building upon what we have learnt since we started our impact investing journey in 2012. You will support the development of new investment opportunities, including helping identify social issues or market needs where social impact investment can help support a solution in our market systems.

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  • Investment Director

    We are seeking to appoint one or more exceptional Investment Director(s) who will specialise in one of our focus areas or in our general investment activity. It is a unique opportunity for investment specialists who want to help transform the way mainstream financial markets help deliver deep and lasting impact on people in the UK.

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Considering a career in the social impact investment sector?

If you're interested in exploring other opportunities within the social investment sector, we have a list of sites which you may find useful.


Nica Gordon

People & Talent Officer
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People & Talent functions and HR