COVID-19: Information for social investors


At a time of uncertainty for all our partners, investees, and fund managers, this page will be regularly updated with how Big Society Capital and the wider social investment sector is responding to the current coronavirus pandemic.

While these are challenging times, our shared principles remain constant: to support as best we can the sustainability of the organisations we are invested in and the vital services they provide.

Sharing information

How has Big Society Capital responded?

Find out more about our approach in responding to the crisis, including answers to some frequently asked questions.


In these challenging circumstances, we know there will need to be some financial flexibility to enable fund managers to provide support to social enterprises and charities in their portfolios and provide much-needed liquidity to organisations who need it.

Further to financial adjustments, we are hearing incredible stories of how organisations across our portfolio are adapting to the crisis.

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    Meet the Impact Managers

    Read a series of guest blogs from our fund managers sharing how they have been adapting to COVID-19 and the work they have been doing to support enterprises.

    Learn more
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    How are organisations adapting?

    Read inspiring stories of how organisations are helping with the response to COVID-19 and changing their models to continue to deliver vital services.

    Learn more

New funding

We know that many charities and social enterprises will need grants to help them at this difficult time, but we also believe there is an urgent opportunity to help many through this by providing loans through an emergency liquidity facility.

Get in touch

If you can help, or have suggestions for this information page then please do get in touch with the team.